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William Ash

Nevertheless, A very useful summary of how we've gotten this far. Kudos!

Bob Morrison

Hi Rachel... agreed... in the 90s the phrase used was "music and the other arts." This was done since the people footing the bill needed to be sure they could see themselves in the dialog (not an unreasonable request). However... it was not the most inclusive and I can how if you were an "other" art form this could be off putting.

Fortunately... we have all evolved!


Yes, thank you, Bob, for providing "institutional memory" for the un-institutionalized field of arts education.

I do agree with Karen's comment about the need for inclusive language. I find the phrase "music and arts education" a disconcerting (and awkward) phrase. So I'm glad to read your reply.

And let's get ready to embrace the 5th discipline: Media Arts!

Bob Morrison

Thanks for the note Karen! All of the arts are included. The language used by the music community in 1990s was "music and arts education" since this was largely driven by the music community (this is just a reporting of historical info). Fortunately, today everyone is more inclusive of all four arts disciplines... I know in our work we certainly are!

Karen Bradley

Very interesting and helpful. In the spirit of continuing to come together, let's include Dance and Theatre in the language of arts education,lest those who make decisions forget that the arts (dance, music, theatre, and visual arts) are discrete subjects, each of which has particular value and impact.

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