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Uncle Devin

Thank you for your testimony, especially emphasizing that there is no benefit to anyone when music programs are cut. I am a firm believer that school reform should not include eliminating music and art programs and I will continue my advocacy in this area here the Washington DC area.

Uncle Devin


Thank your for this wonderful resource and for so eloquently voicing what all of us in arts education need to be telling our policy makers. Would you please provide sources for studies quoted?

Rachel Evans

Thank you so much for posting this. We read it aloud tonight in my "Topics in Theatre Education" class. The students are pre-serve drama teachers who already had a working knowledge of the NJBOE and the state of NJ arts education. But there was something about reading about an essentially real-time issue that prompted more teachable moments than usual. We looked up the NJQSAC, needing to know more in order to understand the context of your testimony. We reviewed the role of NJAEP and the data you cited. They found your statements most articulate and helpful. Considering the fact that they hope to enter the classroom soon as HQ'd theatre educators, your blog shed light on an issue with which they will cope in innumerable ways.
Thanks from Rachel, Lissette, Jensyn, Anniely, Raven, and Brenna

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