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Both gentlemen "get it" -- the importance of excellence in arts education in one's formative years is key. As an administrator/director at a community school of music, and a student of music for the past 47 years, I am committed to spread the word/importance -- to students AND parents -- that doing "something well" in an artistic way when "growing" will not only add a magical value to the beauty of the arts in one's life...BUT, with studying the arts - there is an inherent dedication, the "stick-to-it-ness" - due to the extra hours one needs to commit to, to learn and understand the music one is learning. All of this becomes "knowledge transferred" in later years. I have 3 siblings, and each of us studied piano from the age of 6. Only two of us continued our studies and chose a career in music; my other two siblings became doctors. What we have in common (besides our love for music/the arts) is tenacity and desire to accomplish something -- from A-Z -- with quality. Not perfection, but excellence. I truly attribute this to being alone in a piano studio, working hard to understand a composer's desire -- all which takes time and brain-power. Onward with the arts!!! So SO important! Gina

Brian grasmick

Wise words for all.


I want to cry when I think about what the education system does to children that are artistic rather than academically inclined. I have a 22 year old daughter who is so very talented artistically but has been so beat down by the educational system who expected her to be as academically gifted as her sister. She's still struggling to climb up out of that pit but is making small strides every day. Why can't the educators separate out the academically gifted and the artistic and teach them according to their talents? I read stories like this and only hope that my daughter will be able to see that you can be a genius and schools could possibly never notice.

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